Michal Daňsa
Trade involves the transfer of the ownership of goods or services from one person or entity to another, in exchange for money, goods or services. The distribution of products takes place through channels. Channels are sets of interdependent organizations (called intermediaries) involved in making the product available for consumption. Consumer goods and retail markets are facing unprecedented disruption. Consumers are more demanding and less predictable than ever before. Success today means engaging customers across every channel. The new channels are web controlling, e-targeting and e-commerce solutions. Our experts, with years of experience in this field, focus on current and future trends and receive industry-specific training. In this way, we ensure that our team always has the most up to date information and provides the best possible support to meet your business requirements.
Michal Daňsa
Věra Jankovcová
Tomáš Klíma
Miloš Krejčí