
Lukáš Křístek

Partner • Valuation

Executive summary

Since 2004, Lukáš has been a valuation expert in the field economics, pricing, estimates s and administration of national property. He specializes in comprehensive solutions of valuation issues, he also has expertise in civil disputes and criminal proceedings. He has 20 years of experience, out of which 11 years at BDO Valuation.

He participated in the valuation of ČEZ power plants and energy distribution systems. Lukáš is a leading expert in the field of expert law and expert procedures. He is the author of the book on Valuations. He regularly publishes in Judge magazine or on ceska-justice.cz or ceskapozice.lidovky.cz.

The Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic appointed Lukáš as an expert in the field of real estate valuation.

He is a graduate from the University of Economics and Law Faculty of Charles University. At Prague International Business School he gained an MBA degree. He speaks Czech and English.