Privacy and GDPR

A pragmatic approach to mastering GDPR

The GDPR came into force on 25 May 2018. For all entities that process EU citizens' personal data, the GDPR has created new obligations in relation to the increased protection of EU citizens' rights.

The GDPR requirements call for companies to identify and assess the risks associated with processing the personal data of their employees and clients and implement measures to mitigate those risks. The regulation is not easy to navigate, so BDO has prepared ten simple and easy-to-understand steps to guide you through the GDPR requirements.

Effective solutions

BDO's expert team has developed tools that minimise the costs and risks associated with GDPR issues and requirements.

GDPR implementation is divided into two basic phases: the analytical phase and implementation. The analytical phase identifies key risks and areas of non-compliance with GDPR. Together with the risks and their severity, we propose pragmatic optimisation measures and a roadmap of steps to achieve GDPR compliance. Following the findings of the gap analysis, we will help you implement effective measures to meet GDPR requirements. Specifically, we can support you in the following areas:

  • GDPR gap analysis/audit
  • Processing of the personal data register
  • Processing of risk analysis for the rights and freedoms of data subjects
  • Impact assessment for data protection
  • Conducting balance tests
  • Setting up processes and preparing complete GDPR documentation
  • Providing a GDPR incident reporting line and investigating GDPR incidents
  • Setting up the CCTV system from a GDPR perspective
  • Providing a data protection officer
  • Training (seminars, e-learning)

Hlavní kontaktní osoby

Ondřej Šnejdar

Ondřej Šnejdar

Partner, Head of Advisory • Audit
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Stanislav Klika

Director, Head of Risk advisory services
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