State Accounting

BDO Audit s.r.o. offers high quality consulting services in the areas of public sector accounting.

Under the amended Act No. 563/1991 Coll., on Accounting, effective from 1.1.2010, the changes in the law help ensure that the accounting practices of public administration are closer to business accounting. Among the selected entities are especially government departments, municipalities and regions, budgetary organizations and health insurance funds.

A team of qualified specialists with wide experience offers you consulting services to help you with the correct implementation of the accounting requirements of the Accounting Act. Based on our proposals, we will help you to eliminate problems that might bother you and your employees beyond normal work duties.

We provide you with our services by:

  • special collective training,
  • Individual seminars,
  • consultations and advice,
  • explanation of internal directives, methodologies and other documentation,
  • specific advice on adjustments to the accounting software.

These services are ready to meet your requirements in comprehensive as well as in specific areas. For maximum efficiency of the whole process of transition to the new legislation we would clearly recommend the use of the highly experienced professional staff of BDO Audit s.r.o.

Main contacts

Petr Slavíček

Petr Slavíček

Partner, Head of Audit & Assurance
View bio