BDO Portal enables efficient and secure collaboration between you and BDO professionals on one common platform.

Handle everything with the BDO Portal

   Secure document sharing


A secure collaborative collaboration platform with integrated features such as multi-factor authentication, data store encryption, secure document exchange and audit logging.

    24/7 access to services

Uninterrupted access to BDO services, advanced tools and applications, as well as information tailored to your business.

   Personalised reports


The News section contains all the latest news, events and insights relevant to your business. What you want to see is entirely up to you and you can easily customize the content.

    Improved collaboration


A real-time collaboration space for you and your BDO team, including project, task and team management as well as the latest workflow management tools.

    Highlights of key milestones


Never miss a key update with personalised alerts on key events or milestones. Such as when documents have been uploaded or changed, or when documents need to be signed. 

  Intuitive structure and navigation


The information is easily accessible, customisable and clear.

Getting started with BDO Portal

The BDO Global Portal is only accessible after you have been invited to access it by a BDO professional. Once invited, you will receive an email invitation to access the BDO Global Portal. Click on the link to accept the invitation and you will be prompted to log in, during which you will need to accept the terms and conditions.

Once you have successfully accessed your account and set your preferences in your profile, you can start working with BDO in the secure environment of the global portal.

I need help

In case of any confusion, here is a manual to help you find your way around.

Frequently asked questions:

To sign up for Global Portal for the first time, click on the activation link in the email invitation sent by your BDO advisor.

Users with corporate email accounts or Microsoft logins will use the same password they use to log in to existing Microsoft products and services.

Users with a non-federated email account, such as Gmail, Yahoo, or an account provided by an ISP, will be sent a one-time access code to your email address

First login

Multi-factor authentication is a digital security method that is enabled in some places: you will be asked to authenticate with a registered device when you log in. In some cases, the user is prompted to complete authentication twice, this occurs if your account has custom authentication settings enabled. This is expected behavior, so please continue to log in as usual.

If you need further assistance, please contact your BDO advisor.

  • Your account has not been added to any portal. Wait until you are added to a portal or until a new portal is created for you.
    • This error is displayed if your Portal is still being created or has been removed. Please wait for it to finish creating: this can take up to 24 hours.
  • You need permissions to access this page.
    • Please contact your BDO advisor to resolve this issue.
  • Microsoft error message: Sorry, we are unable to log you in.
    • Please contact your BDO advisor to resolve this issue.
  • Invitation redemption failed
    • Please contact your BDO advisor to resolve this issue.
  • The user does not exist
    • BDO users who receive this message can access the global portal through their tenant URL.

To access documents such as financial statements, tax returns, letters or other documents from BDO, select the Documents menu to view a list of projects and folders. Navigate to a specific project using the navigation on the left. If you have documents that you need to upload, do not use the Documents menu. Instead, select the Exchange Next Gen menu. Exchange Next Gen provides a secure place to upload documents combined with interactive dashboards to track any deliverables you and your team have yet to provide. You can view dashboards to see which tasks are overdue or pending. Each project has a view that allows you to track tasks by type, including filters by due date or assignment. Click on the task you want to complete, then simply use the drag and drop or upload button to upload files. When you're done, be sure to click the Deliver Request button.

You can enable notifications by clicking the profile icon in the top navigation bar. Select Personal settings, then go to Notification preferences. You can then select which notifications you want to receive in the global portal under the bell icon, as well as change the frequency of the missed notifications summary email to daily or weekly.

The global portal supports files up to 2 GB in size. For more information on supported file types, please contact your BDO advisor.

The portal responds to the client. The projects within the portals are contracts.

The BDO Advisor can accept or return the request in Exchange Next Gen. If the request is returned, a notification appears under the bell icon and the reason for the return appears as a red banner at the top of the request task overview. Follow the BDO advisor's instructions to resubmit the request.

Main contact persons


Michal Daňsa

Partner, Head of Business Services Outsourcing • Tax
View bio