Awards and Achievements

On this page you will find more information about our membership, awards and past achievements. We are proud to be one of the largest consulting firms in the country and our professional staff strives every day to provide the best service to our clients.

We are members of several prestigious organizations such as the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic, the Association of Tax Advisors of the Czech Republic and the Association of Accountants. Thanks to this membership, we have access to the latest information, educational materials and can benefit from the experience of our colleagues in the field.


BDO and its employees are certified members of the following professional organizations
  • Chamber of Tax Advisors of the Czech Republic: 64 certified tax advisors
  • Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic: 40 certified auditors
  • Czech Bar Association: 12 attorneys
  • Chamber of Forensic Experts of the Czech Republic: 6 forensic experts

BDO je členem komory daňových auditorů ČR
Chamber of Tax Advisors of the Czech Republic

Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic

Chamber of Forensic Experts of the Czech Republic
Bar Association of the Czech Republic

BDO is a member of chambers of commerce and institutions




Account for it

BDO is the main partner of the competition for 3rd year students of business academies and secondary schools teaching accounting from all over the Czech Republic.

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Tax literacy

BDO is the main partner of the Tax Literacy project, which aims to map the level of tax literacy among secondary school students in the Czech Republic.

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Awards and achievements