Petr Slavíček
Our approach to audit services is based on extensive audit methodology which is in accordance with international auditing standards and the professional regulations of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Detailed procedures for the provision of audit services are set out in the BDO Audit Manual.
Our employees have a high level of expertise gained from years of experience. They can help to identify weaknesses and inefficiencies in the internal control system, detect fraud risk and other business risks.
All companies in the BDO International network use the same methodology and procedures. This ensures a high quality of services provided and the comparability of reports of all companies around the world.
Petr Slavíček
Ondřej Šnejdar
Lukáš Hendrych
Jan Macháč
Miloš Krejčí
Oldřich Bartušek
Miroslav Souček
Blanka Lukešová
Alexander Schlossberger
Lucie Johaníková
Jiří Liberda
Jitka Fanturová
Věra Jankovcová
Martin Tuček